Couples who may be concerned with the following:

Your worst fear has come true: your spouse was unfaithful.  You feel so incredibly betrayed and wonder whether the trust can be rebuilt.  It’s scary to think it may be over. But discovering an affair doesn’t have to mean the end of your relationship. Through marriage counselling, surviving infidelity IS possible.  It’s clear that  you want to save your marriage but all you’ve been feeling is anger, resentment, and emotional abandonment. Security is lost. But, marriage counselling can give you the guidance you’re looking for when faced with such pain. Should you stay, or should you go?  Your family and friends mean well but you just don’t know who to listen to anymore. Marriage counselling can help give you clarity.

Security and trust in your relationship is vital to the intimacy a healthy relationship needs. With skillful guidance, you and your spouse can recover from an affair. I’m here to support and assist you work towards your relationship goals.

“Love your spouse more than you love your career, hobbies, and money. That other stuff can’t love you back”

– Dave Willis

Request a Consultation

Phone: 519-562-2812